Helping New
Hampshire Accident And Injury Victims

Image of bald eagle

Injured By A Dog Bite? We Can Help You Get Fair Compensation.

Dogs can cause severe injuries if they bite someone. Adults who use their hands and arms to protect themselves from a dog attack can suffer severe ligament and tendon damage, and may need surgery to get motor function back. Children who are less able to defend themselves (and who also are closer to the ground) often suffer bite wounds to the face and may need plastic surgery in the future to minimize scarring.

Having a good lawyer can help you recover enough money to compensate you for care you will need now and in the future as the result of a dog bite attack. At Elmore Law Office in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, we offer a free initial consultation to evaluate your case and explain your rights.

Strict Liability In Dog Bite Cases

Strict liability applies to dog bite injury victims. The dog owner cannot claim contributory negligence on your part unless you taunted or tortured the dog. Even if you stepped onto the dog owner’s property, the owner is still responsible in most cases.

Since liability is usually clear, the primary issues in any dog bite cases are the extent of damages and securing enough compensation for the victim.

Dog Bite Injuries Are Usually Covered By Homeowners Insurance

When the dog’s owner is a friend, neighbor or family member, some people are hesitant to file a personal injury lawsuit for a dog bite injury. However, dog bite injuries are usually covered by the homeowners insurance or renters insurance, not by the personal assets of the dog’s owner.

Talk To A Personal Injury Attorney Today

To schedule a free initial consultation, call 603-821-0485 or fill out the contact form on this website.