When seeking compensation for the damages sustained in a crash, it’s crucial to recognize the potential impact your social media activity can have on your car accident claim. Insurance companies are increasingly turning to online postings to gather information that may influence the outcome of these claims.
Imagine posting a picture of a weekend getaway or engaging in physical activity after your accident. Such posts may contradict your claims of severe injuries or emotional trauma suffered from the injuries arising from the crash. The seriousness of your situation could be downplayed, as a result, which will likely impact your settlement.
Your social media content can be used as evidence
Every detail matters when it comes to car accident settlement negotiations. The evidence presented by both sides in support of their positions can heavily tilt the scales in determining the outcome of a settlement.
What you share online could be used to assess the validity of your injuries, determine liability and even evaluate the extent of the harm and losses you claim to have suffered. Statements, pictures or videos posted on social media can be used against you during settlement negotiations with the insurer or even in court if your claim gets there. Innocent posts could also be misconstrued or taken out of context, impacting the narrative you present in your claim.
It’s best to avoid posting anything related to the accident or your injuries, your current state of well-being, etc. on social media until your case is resolved. This cautious approach can help you avoid unintended complications. Equally prudent is seeking legal guidance to help ensure you avoid making mistakes that could undermine the strength of your claim and come in the way of being awarded a deserving settlement.