Spinal cord injuries (SCI) can occur as a result of a variety of accidents, including car wrecks, sports incidents and falls. While paralysis and similar direct effects of SCIs unquestionably require attention, many secondary conditions must be considered as well.
These secondary conditions can make it difficult for a victim to maintain a significant quality of life at all times. All of these require specific treatments or accommodations.
Pressure sores
Pressure sores, also known as bedsores, are common for those with an SCI because of their mobility challenges. They appear on areas of the body, such as the tailbone, that have constant pressure for extended periods. The severity of pressure sores depends on how deep they become. The most severe bedsores can go down to the bone. Infections are possible because the skin’s integrity is affected when these sores are present.
Respiratory complications
Individuals with paralysis, especially those with injuries at or above the thoracic level, may experience significant respiratory complications. The impairment or loss of abdominal and chest muscle function diminishes respiratory capacity and efficiency, which makes it more difficult to cough and clear airways. This can lead to a higher risk of pneumonia and other respiratory infections.
Spasticity, a series of involuntary muscle contractions, is another condition frequently faced by those with paralysis. Over time, these muscle spasms can lead to joint and soft tissue deformities, further complicating mobility and daily care. Spasticity varies in severity and can be triggered by factors like infections or changes in posture.
Bladder and bowel incontinence
The loss of voluntary control over bladder and bowel functions often leads to a need for routine management strategies to prevent complications such as urinary tract infections and severe constipation. Effective management is crucial for maintaining health and independence. This may include the use of catheters, scheduled voiding and dietary adjustments.
Debilitating pain
Chronic pain is a frequent and debilitating issue for many living with paralysis. This pain may stem from the injury or secondary conditions such as pressure sores and spasticity. Neuropathic pain, which is pain caused by nerve damage, is widespread and can be challenging to treat. Managing this pain effectively is crucial for improving quality of life and enabling participation in daily activities and rehabilitation.
Victims of SCIs often need ongoing medical care, which can be costly. They may not be able to return to work because of the injury, so the financial impact of this injury can be considerable. They may pursue a compensation claim against a negligent party that caused their harm to help address the damages they’re dealing with.